Jurand Drop

Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Finance
Jurand Drop
Ministry of Finance


Jurand Drop holds position of Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Finance. He assists the Minister of Finance in running the macroeconomic policy and broader economic policies, as well as shaping the regulatory framework of the financial markets in Poland.
In particular, he supervises departments of: Macroeconomic Policy, Public Debt, Development of Financial Markets, and Efficiency of Public Expenditures and Accounting. He serves as the Chief Speaker for Discipline of the Public Spending. He is a member of the Economic Committee of the Council of Ministers, and represents Minister of Finance at the Standing Committee of the Council of Ministers.
Jurand Drop is an economist, public servant and academic lecturer. He graduated from the Cracow University of Economics, faculty of International Economic Relations. His master’s thesis analysed the theory of the optimum currency areas in the European context. During his studies he made an internship at the National Bank of Poland.
In 1999-2005 he worked as a researcher and teaching assistant at the Department of Macroeconomics at the CEU. He held lectures on macroeconomics, mathematical economics and the European Monetary Union. He also held lectures at several private university-level schools.
Upon passing the concurs for the European civil servant, he worked from 2005 to 2008 as an economist at the European Commission. He was involved in the implementation of the i2010 information society programme, the Lisbon Strategy economic reform program, and also in the preparations of the economic analyses in the Directorate-General for Information Society and Media. He participated in negotiations between the European Commission and EU Member States in economic reforms and the creation of operational programs in cohesion policy.
In the years 2009-2011, he was employed at the Ministry of Interior and Administration in Warsaw. He served as the head of the Unit for Strategy and Coordination of National Programs in the Department of Information Society. He was responsible in the implementation of the reforms foreseen by the i2010 program by the Polish administration. He co-operated with ministries, local government administrations, as well as with stakeholders from the telecommunications and IT sectors.
During the Polish Presidency in the Council of the EU in 2011, he served as the Councillor for Economic Analyses in the Coreper-II Team at the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland to the European Union in Brussels. Among other assignments, he represented Poland in the Task Force for Greece that dealt with the economic crisis in that country.
In the years 2012-2015, he served as the Counsellor for the telecommunications and information society. He represented Poland in the Council Working Parties for telecommunications and postal services, for cybersecurity, and periodically also for protection of personal data and for radio and telecommunications equipment.
In 2015, he became Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Administration and Digitization responsible for digitization policy, telecommunications, cybersecurity and e-government.
In 2020-2023, he worked again for the European Commission as the Country Coordinator for Finland, Lithuania and Poland in the Directorate-General for Telecommunications Networks, Content and Technology in the European Commission. He was responsible for, among others, supporting these three countries in running policies on telecommunications, cybersecurity, and on greening of the ICT. He participated in the process of setting up economic reforms, including negotiations regarding the Resilience and Recover Programs the implementation of the measures, as well as verification of the goals and milestones. He contributed to the Digital Agenda Reports on the three countries. He also participated in the European Semester procedures, in particular on the economic reforms.
In 2023, he became Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Finance in Poland.

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Jurand Drop
Ministry of Finance

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