Justyna Wilczyńska-Baraniak

Advocate, Associate Partner, Team Leader in Intellectual Property Law, Technology and Personal Data at EY Law
Justyna Wilczyńska-Baraniak
EY Law


Justyna Wilczyńska – Baraniak is an Associate Partner at EY Law, Head of the Intellectual Property, Technology & Data Protection EY Law Team. She is also a co-founder and director of the Academy of Business and Law of New Technologies at Łazarski University where she coordinates Postgraduate Studies “Law in Business of New Technologies” and lectures on technology dispute resolution. Justyna has more than 18 years of experience in strategic advisory to multinational clients from various sectors including retail, technology, energy, finance, telecommunication (5G) and pharmaceutical sectors on intellectual property matters regarding strategic advisory on brand protection within EU, IP infringements, including cybersecurity, IP transfer and licensing, cloud implementation in regulated sectors. Justyna is one of the top ranking lawyers, recommended for efficient advisory and excellent representation of clients in multi-jurisdictional cases. She has been ranked by I AM Patent, Chambers Europe, Chambers Global, Legal 500 and WTR 1000. She provides legal advice confirmed that in legal services in the field of new technologies, the aspect of understanding technology and business is absolutely crucial. Only the combination of this knowledge with excellent knowledge of regulations and a “tailor-made” legal service can provide clients with legal security, better results and success.

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Justyna Wilczyńska-Baraniak
EY Law
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European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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