Karolina Rzońca-Bajorek

Vice President of the Management Board, CFO Asseco Poland
Karolina Rzońca-Bajorek


As the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Asseco Poland and the Asseco Group, she is responsible for the Company’s Financial Division and the Financial Division of the Asseco Group, as well as the Shared Service Center Department.

Karolina Rzońca-Bajorek is a graduate of the Warsaw School of Economics, majoring in Finance and Accounting (specialization: Corporate Finance and Accounting). She started her professional career in 2009 in the audit department of Ernst & Young Audit Sp. z o.o., where she participated in audits of large corporate clients. From 2012 to 2014, she worked at Asseco Poland as a Finance Specialist in the Reporting Department of the Asseco Group. Then, in 2014-2015, she was a Stock Exchange Reporting Expert at PHZ Baltona. From 2015 to 2021, at Asseco Poland, she was responsible, as the Director of the Reporting Department of the Asseco Group, for the process of periodic reporting and the implementation and application of a consistent accounting policy at Asseco Poland and the Group’s companies. Since 2019, as the Director of the Financial Division of the Asseco Group, she has been managing the area covering group processes in management accounting and controlling. She holds an FCCA title and a Certificate of the Minister of Finance authorizing her to provide accounting services. Since April 1, 2021, she has served as a Vice President of the Management Board of Asseco Poland. She holds the position of a Member of the Board of Directors of Formula Systems and a Member of the Supervisory Board at Asseco CEIT.

Karolina Rzońca-Bajorek

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