Magdalena Dziewguć

Country Manager, Google Cloud Poland
Magdalena Dziewguć
Google Cloud Poland


Magdalena Dziewguć is a manager with many years of experience in the new technologies sector. She studied law and psychology. Magda holds an Executive MBA from SGH and completed the GMP at Harvard Business School. She has been working for Google since 2014. Additionally from 2019 she holds a seat in the Supervisory Board of BNP Paribas Bank and Politechnika Wrocławska. Before that she was a vice-chair of Exatel SA and a member of a number of supervisory boards. Since the year 2000, she co-created a telecommunications services market for online business for companies such as Orange and Plus. She is the co-founder of Digital University and LiderSHE in Poland.

Magda’s expertise focus on new technologies and their impact on business processes within organisations. It helped her to lead a number of digital transformations. She is an expert in the fields of innovation, restructuring and building the culture of engagement and partnership. She is a mum of three: Adam, Franek and Sonia. She actively works on projects which develop the presence of women in the public sphere. Magda strongly believes that two factors change the world for the better: new technologies and more decisions taken by women.

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Magdalena Dziewguć
Google Cloud Poland

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