Magda Warpas

Partner, Strategic and Transaction Advisory Team, EY Parthenon
Magda Warpas
EY Parthenon


“I support entities in the financial services sector in their investment decisions. I accompany them at every stage of the transaction in progress, while focusing on finding solutions that support the building of long-term value.”

Experienced transaction advisor. Expert specialising in advising entities in the financial services sector.

Magda has over 15 years of experience in transactional and strategic advisory for clients in the financial services sector, mainly banks.

She advises local and international strategic investors as well as leading Private Equity funds on mergers and acquisitions and complex transformation and restructuring programmes.

She has worked on some of the largest and most complex M&A transactions on the Polish and European markets, advising on numerous occasions on processes involving entities operating simultaneously in several European countries.

She has advised investors on each of the four forced bank restructuring transactions completed in Poland.

She is a graduate of the Warsaw School of Economics and a member of ACCA.

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Magda Warpas
EY Parthenon

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European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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