Marcelo Castellanos

FIG EUR Senior Manager, International Finance Corporation
Marcelo Castellanos
International Finance Corporation


Mr. Castellanos co-manages the investment operations for the Financial Institutions Group (FIG) for the Europe region. Before his current position he managed FIG new business for the Latin America & the Caribbean region with an annual investment program of US$3.0 billion in commitments. He has a work experience of 17 years in IFC and more than 27 years in the financial sector in LAC. Prior to IFC, Mr. Castellanos served as Deputy CEO in BCP Bolivia and in many roles at Grupo Financiero Bisa, most recently as Banco Bisa International and Finance VP, and before that as Bisa Leasing CEO. Marcelo also worked at Corp Group, as Product Manager in Corp Banca Argentina. He received a BS in Industrial Engineering from Universidad de Buenos Aires and an MBA from Harvard Business School.

Marcelo Castellanos
International Finance Corporation

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