Marek Radzikowski

Vice President of the Management Board, PKO Bank Polski
Marek Radzikowski
PKO Bank Polski


Doctor of Economics. He graduated with honours from the Warsaw School of Economics with a master’s degree in finance and banking, followed by an MBA from The Community of European Management Schools (CEMS). He also studied at the economics department of the Massachussetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge and at the Erasmus University Rotterdam School of Management. He has received Fulbright, Socrates-Erasmus, and Minister of National Education scholarships, as well as awards and prizes from, among others, the Mayor of Warsaw, Top Ten, PwC and Europrimus.
He started his professional career as a leader of projects improving management processes in multinational corporations and later as a senior economist and secretary of the Macroeconomic Council at the National Bank of Poland. He co-founded the Civil Development Forum (FOR) as deputy director of the analytical department and deputy chief economist, and later worked as head of the cabinet (head of advisors) of the Minister of Finance. He was also an advisor to the Management Board of the Polish Bank Association, President of the Warsaw Institute of Banking, and in recent years held the position of Vice President at J.P. Morgan.
He combines his professional work with his academic career as head of the Department of Economic Growth Research at the Warsaw School of Economics (SGH), lecturer in data science subjects and author of numerous economic publications, including two books.

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Marek Radzikowski
PKO Bank Polski

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