Marek Rozkrut

Partner, EU & CESA Chief Economist Head of EY EMEIA Economists Unit
Marek Rozkrut
EY Polska


Marek Rozkrut is EY Chief Economist for the EU and CESA (Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe & Central Asia) region and Head of EY EMEIA (Europe, Middle East, India and Africa) Economists Unit. The team supervised by Marek focuses on macroeconomic and sectoral analyses and forecasts, economic and regulatory impact assessments, shadow economy research, geospatial and consumer analytics. Marek and his team have delivered hundreds of projects in over 50 countries. Marek is also the Leader of the EY “Better Government” Programme.

In 2012-2015 Marek was an Assistant Professor at Warsaw School of Economics.

In 2009-2012 he was a Director of Financial Policy, Analyses and Statistics Department, at the Polish Ministry of Finance. He was the Chairman of the inter-institutional Macroeconomic Working Committee and Chairman of the Polish delegation at the OECD Economic Policy Committee. He was a co-author of public finance reforms, including designing of a new fiscal rule for Poland.

In 2002-2009 he worked for the National Bank of Poland (central bank), including as a Head of Foreign Research and Analyses Unit.

Marek Rozkrut earned a master’s and Ph.D. degree in economics from Cracow University of Economics and Warsaw School of Economics, respectively. He studied at Grand Valley State University (Michigan, USA), and Hiroshima University of Economics (Japan). He is an author of numerous publications in the field of monetary policy, public finance and shadow economy.

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Marek Rozkrut
EY Polska

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