Pat Cox

former President of European Parliament
Pat Cox
European Parliament


European Coordinator for the Scandinavian-Mediterranean TEN T (transport)
Core Network Corridor
Leader of Needs Assessment and Implementation Mission on parliamentary
reform for the European Parliament and the Verkhovna Rada, Kiev, Ukraine
President, Jean Monnet Foundation for Europe, Lausanne, Switzerland
Chairman, Appointment Advisory Committee, European Investment Bank,

Chairman, Gore Street Energy Storage Fund Plc, London
Chairman, Ecocem, Ireland
Chairman, Supernode Ltd. Ireland
Director, Gresham House Asset Management, Ireland

Director, Third Age Foundation Ireland
Senior Fellow and Director, Institute for International and European
Affairs, Ireland
Director, Ireland China Institute


President, European Parliament (2002-2004)
President , ELDR Group, EP (1998-2001)
President European Movement International (2005-2011)
President, Former Members Association, EP (2010-2014)

Graduated Trinity College Dublin
Lecturer in Economics, Institute of Public Administration (1974 – 1976)
Lecturer at the National Institute for Higher Education, Limerick (1976 – 1982)
Current Affairs television broadcaster, RTE, Dublin (1982- 1986)
Secretary General, Progressive Democrats (1986- 1989)
Member of the European Parliament, Munster constituency (1989-2004)
Member of Dáil Éireann (Irish parliament) (1992-1994)

Pat Cox
European Parliament

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European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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