Paweł Flak

Associate Partner, Financial Risk and Analytics, EY Polska
Paweł Flak
EY Polska


Practitioner with 25 years of experience in financial risk management.

Associated with EY since 2008. He is the leader of the regulation group for the financial sector, responsible for the ESG agenda for the financial sector in Poland. He works for banks, brokerage houses, investment fund companies, other financial institutions and regulators.

He specialises in capital adequacy, risk management, supervision of financial institutions, sustainability, including banking and brokerage.

He is actively involved in banking sector transformation processes, including institutional transformation, licensing processes and other regulatory proceedings, as well as recovery and forced restructuring processes. He is also focused on regulations in the area of investor protection, particularly for retail clients, as well as the ESG agenda in the financial sector with a focus on climate risk management and reporting/disclosure.

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Paweł Flak
EY Polska

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European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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