Peter Bakenecker

President Central Europe, Mastercard
Peter Bakenecker


Peter Bakenecker is President of Mastercard’s Central Europe division. He is responsible for leading Mastercard’s strategy and operations in 11 countries: Austria, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and Switzerland.

Prior to this role Peter was Division President for Germany and Switzerland. Since joining Mastercard in 2006 Peter held various management positions, including Head of Product, Business Development as well as Digital Payments for Europe. For many years he was part of the Mastercard Advisors’ management team for Europe, Asia-Pacific and MEA, where he had the opportunity to design and build payments technology solutions in various geographies for different industries.

Before joining Mastercard, Peter was with Batten & Company as well as Roland Berger Strategy consultants as part of their financial services practices.

Peter holds an MBA in Banking & Finance from the University of Essen/Duisburg and the University of Technology in Sydney. He completed executive programs at the London School of Economics and Political Science.

Peter Bakenecker

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