Piotr Kozłowski

Advisor to the Management Board, Bank Pekao S.A.
Piotr Kozłowski
Bank Pekao S.A.


Graduate of the Warsaw School of Economics, Faculty of Finance and Statistics, majoring in Economic Cybernetics and Computer Science. He continued his education by completing postgraduate studies at the Warsaw School of Economics, majoring in management, and Executive MBA studies conducted by the University of Warsaw and the University of Illinois. He was a participant in a number of courses, including obtaining international certifications and certificates. He graduated from the Stanford Graduate School of Business in the LEAD program.

He has been involved in the financial and capital markets for more than 25 years, including serving as a Member of the Management Board of CDM Pekao SA, Vice President and then President of Pekao Investment Management SA and Head of Pekao Brokerage Office, and currently continues his professional work as an Advisor to the Bank’s Management Board.

He has served on a number of supervisory boards, including BondSpot SA, CDM SA, DI Xelion SA, Pekao Investment Banking SA, and was a member of the Council of the Chamber of Brokerage Houses. He is also a member of a number of advisory bodies of institutions related to the capital market.

Piotr Kozłowski
Bank Pekao S.A.

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