Przemysław Koch

Member of the Management Board | Chief Technology Officer & Chief Operating Officer, VeloBank S.A.
Przemysław Koch
VeloBank S.A.


He started his professional career at Accenture, a business consulting and advisory firm, where he was responsible for the implementation of individual modules of the central banking system at PKO Bank Polski. Subsequently, he was associated with the Belgian KBC Capital Group: Kredyt Bank and insurance companies TUiR Warta and TU NŻ Warta (2006 – 2011) For six years, he was the Director of the Transaction Application Development Department at the largest bank in the country – PKO Bank Polski, where he played a key role in the acquisition processes of Nordea Bank Polska and SKOK Wesoła. He was involved in the process of PKO Bank Polski’s launch of innovative solutions, including: the IKO mobile banking, the IRB-compliant risk parameter calculation engine, the system for handling option transactions, the central solution for Cash Management products, the Loro system with ICM functionality, the implementation of the new IPKO Dealer autodealig system, as well as the system for fraud detection and handling (EFM – Enterprise Fraud Management). Since 2017, he has worked in government bodies as a plenipotentiary of the Minister of Finance for IT, where he supervised the IT organisation of the Ministry of Finance consisting of more than 1,800 employees.

Created and then implemented the digital transformation strategy of the Ministry of Finance.He also successfully restructured endangered initiatives, in particular the e-Tax project, where he led to a pre-court settlement.He was responsible for the implementation of innovative solutions, i.e. Your e-PIT, e-Tax Office, Poltax+, e-Toll, which facilitated and automated administrative processes.He developed and implemented the concept of BIG DATA based on the use of algorithms and supervised the implementation of projects such as JPK_VAT, STIR, Split Payment, SENT, MDR, White List of VAT Taxpayers, e-Financial Reporting, Online Fiscal Cash Registers, Virtual Fiscal Cash Registers, e-Paragons.In September 2021, he took on the role of director of the Central Informatics Centre, where he successfully led the merger of the NASK and COI development divisions.He was responsible for developing a strategy for the digitalisation of public administration assuming, among other things, the implementation of an e-payment platform for the public sector, the Central Register of Powers of Attorney and Authorisations, changing the nature of the mCitizen application or the Central Register of Drivers. After the outbreak of war in Ukraine, he successfully led the PomagamUkraina project, as part of which he adjusted state registers for assigning PESEL numbers, trusted profiles, as well as launched the Ukrainian-language version of the mObywatel application and dedicated service points for refugees at the National Stadium, Tauron Arena, as well as a system for handling humanitarian convoys. He is a graduate of the Faculty of Cybernetics of the Military University of Technology and the College of Management and Finance of the Warsaw School of Economics.He also holds an Executive Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree.


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Przemysław Koch
VeloBank S.A.

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