Tara Brady

President, Europe, Middle East, and Africa, Google Cloud
Tara Brady
Google Cloud


As President of Google Cloud EMEA, Tara Brady leads the organisation’s efforts to help
customers in Europe, Middle East, and Africa [EMEA] to drive the complete transformation of
their business in the cloud – from making core processes more efficient to improving how they
reach and better serve their customers.

In this role, Tara is responsible for all of Google Cloud’s go-to-market teams in EMEA,
comprising sales, professional services, partner ecosystem, customer success and customer

Tara brings to Google customers more than two decades of experience in the
business-technology sector, delivering exceptional value and outcomes to organisations of all
geographies, industries, and sizes.

Prior to joining Google, he served as a member of the senior leadership team at Microsoft,
where he led the organisation’s Global Sales and Strategic Partnerships Team as Corporate
Vice President. Prior to Microsoft, Tara led the Financial Services division at Accenture. He has
also held several senior positions at PwC, Sears, NatWest Bank and Guinness, as well as
serving in the Royal Navy aboard HMS Illustrious.

Tara has spent most of his career in the Financial Services sector and serves as industry
visionary and transformation advisor to institutions around the globe.

Tara is a published author and is passionate about social development for young people in the
UK. He frequently speaks to disadvantaged groups to help them improve outcomes in their

Tara Brady
Google Cloud

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