Tomasz Bardziłowski

President of the Management Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange
Tomasz Bardziłowski
The Warsaw Stock Exchange


One of the most experienced experts and practitioners in the capital market in Poland, with over 25 years of experience in top management positions at global, regional, and national brokerage houses. He is a licensed stockbroker with investment advisory qualifications and one of the first in Poland to hold the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) title. He has participated in many key transactions in the Polish capital market and has been repeatedly awarded as a stock market analyst, being one of the most influential experts for investors worldwide.
He currently serves as the President of the Management Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Previously, he held positions such as Managing Director of Capital Markets and Advisor to the Management Board at Ipopema Securities S.A., Managing Director of CEE Equities at Credit Suisse Securities, and Vice President of the Management Board and Head of Central and Eastern Europe Equity Division at UniCredit CA IB (Polska) S.A.
He has a rich educational background, including doctoral studies in management and economics at Kozminski University, the Advanced Management Program at IESE Business School in Barcelona and the Program for Leadership Development (PLD 36) at Harvard Business School

Tomasz Bardziłowski
The Warsaw Stock Exchange

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