Andreas Nemeth

CEO, Uniqa Ventures
Andreas Nemeth
Uniqa Ventures


Andreas is an entrepreneur, innovator and the CEO & managing partner at UNIQA Ventures GmbH, the Venture Capital fund backed by UNIQA Insurance Group AG, with a clear vision to pioneering Corporate Ventures Capital investing in CEE.

He invests in a wide range of technology companies including InsurTech, FinTech and Digital Health and is also on the board of Finabro and bsurance as well as a founding partner of Health Hub Vienna, HealthTech Accelerator program focusing on Digital Health Startups.

Andreas’s prior career experience spanned both startup and listef companies, including Netway AG, / CA~IB, brokerjet / Erste Group and Allianz Group. He joined UNIQA in 2011, as Head of Group Controlling in charge of group-wide strategic planning, performance and cost management and M&A transactions. In 2016 he was announced Head of Group Strategy & Innovation to drive radial innovation through Venture Capital investments and Start-up cooperation.
Andreas holds a master’s degree in Business Administration from Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration and a PhD from University of St. Gallen, Switzerland and received Executive Training from Harvard Business School.

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Andreas Nemeth
Uniqa Ventures

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Europejski Kongres Finansowy2-4 czerwca 2025


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