Andrzej Maciejewski

Partner Spencer Stuart
Andrzej Maciejewski
Spencer Stuart


Andrzej Maciejewski is a member of Spencer Stuart’s Financial Services, Technology, Media & Telecommunications practices. He is also responsible for the firm’s Private Equity Practice in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). Andrzej works across industries and functions, focusing on CEO and board director assignments.

Governance and leadership expertise
Andrzej has a deep interest in contemporary corporate governance issues, applying his expertise in the area to the development of articles and studies on governance within the CEE region, highlighting market trends and sharing best practices with local business community. He also is a co author of several articles published in the Polish edition of the Harvard Business Review

Andrzej joined Spencer Stuart in December 2005, bringing more than 12 years of prior executive search experience. Right after joining Andrzej undertook responsibility for the Warsaw office, rebuilding its team and strengthening market position. Andrzej has led the Polish office till October 2021. Before joining the firm, he spent eight years with a leading German executive search firm, where he was responsible for launching and growing the firm’s operations in Poland.

Earlier, Andrzej was director of the executive search business for another human resources consultancy in Poland. He began his career as a copywriter for a leading global advertising agency. Andrzej is a founding member of the Polish Executive Search Consultants Association (SDP) and served a two year term on the organization’s board. He also is a member of the Polish Business Roundtable Club as well as Polish Director’s Institute. Andrzej studied at the University of Warsaw, receiving a master’s degree in law and administration. He also studied at the university ‘s British Center for Legal Studies. He is fluent in Polish and English and also speaks German and Russian.

Andrzej Maciejewski
Spencer Stuart
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Europejski Kongres Finansowy2-4 czerwca 2025


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