Helena Viñes Fiestas

Chair at EU Platform on Sustainable Finance, Commissioner of the Spanish Financial Markets Authority
Helena Viñes Fiestas
Spanish Financial Markets Authority


Helena serves as the Commissioner of the Spanish Financial Markets Authority (CNMV) and Chairs the EU Platform on Sustainable Finance. She also co-chairs the recently established Taskforce on Net Zero Policy. Additionally, she is a member of the Climate and Environment Advisory Council of the European Investment Bank (EIB) and formerly of the UN Secretary-General High-Level Expert Group on Net Zero Pledges and

Before her role at the CNMV, Helena worked as a Senior Policy Adviser on Sustainable Finance for BNP Paribas and served as the Global Head of Stewardship and Policy for BNP Paribas Asset Management. She played a crucial role in designing, developing, and implementing BNPP AM’s Global Sustainability Strategy and led the Sustainability Research team.
Helena was a board member of the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change and represented BNPP AM in the EFAMA committee on Stewardship and ESG. She was also a member of AMF Comite de Climat et Finance Durable and is involved in various groups, including the Sustainable Stock Exchanges Green Finance Advisory Group, PRI Policy Reference Group, and the Technical Advisory Group of the LSE-led Transition Pathway Initiative.

She served as the rapporteur for the EU Platform on Sustainable Finance from 2020 to 2022 and was previously a member of the Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance, assisting the European Commission in the development of the EU taxonomy and the implementation of the EC Action Plan. Helena brings two decades of experience in responsible business and sustainable investment.

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Helena Viñes Fiestas
Spanish Financial Markets Authority

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Europejski Kongres Finansowy2-4 czerwca 2025


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