Vladyslav Rashkovan

Alternate Executive Director, International Monetary Fund
Vladyslav Rashkovan
International Monetary Fund


Since February 2017 Vladyslav is a member of the International Monetary Fund Executive Board. As an Alternate Executive Director Vladyslav represents 16 European countries, including Ukraine.

Prior to the IMF Vladyslav had a prominent banking career, serving as a Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Ukraine, and being responsible for the banking sector reforms. Before joining the NBU in 2014, Vladyslav occupied a position of the Chief financial officer of UniCredit Bank in Ukraine, also being engaged in leadership of the Group turnaround projects in Central and Eastern Europe.

Before UniCredit Vladyslav pursued the academia and consultancy career. In his non-profit activity Vladyslav served as a member of the National reform council (2014-2016), Chair of the banking committee of the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine (2010-2014) and member of the Board of directors of the Kyiv school of Economics (2012-2014).
Since the Russia’ invasion of Ukraine, Vladyslav stands in the center of many international projects to provide financial support to Ukraine and plan its post-war reconstruction and modernization. He also serves as a member of the International advisory panel for the National recovery council.

Vladyslav Rashkovan
International Monetary Fund
Wybierz wydarzenie
Europejski Kongres Finansowy2-4 czerwca 2025


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