GFT is a digital transformation pioneer that develops sustainable solutions based on new technologies including artificial intelligence and blockchain/DLT. Services range from core system modernisation and migration to open cloud platforms, as well as the introduction of carbon conscious coding.

GFT’s strengths are deep technical expertise, strong partnerships and comprehensive market insights. The company uses them to design digital transformation for clients from the finance and insurance sectors as well as in the manufacturing industry. Through the intelligent use of technology it adds value and increases productivity for clients. GFT experts create and implement scalable software applications that make access to innovative business models safe and easy.

With locations in more than 15 markets around the globe, GFT ensures proximity to its clients. The company draws on over 35 years of experience and a team consisting of over 10,000 determined experts. GFT provides them with career opportunities in the most innovative areas of software engineering. The GFT Technologies SE share is listed in the SDAX index of the German Stock Exchange (ticker: GFT-XE).

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European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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