Beata Mońka

CEO of Art of Networking, Member of the Steering Committee and Audit Committee of Raiffeisen Bank International AG, Plenipotentiary of the Management Board for ESG Issues of the Employers of Poland.
Beata Mońka
CEO of Art of Networking, Member of the Steering Committee and Audit Committee of Raiffeisen Bank International AG, Plenipotentiary of the Management Board for ESG Issues of the Employers of Poland.


25 years of experience in management positions at Omnicom Group, Axel Springer Polska, WPP holding (Young & Rubicam Brands), CANAL+ Cyfrowy/ Vivendi, GBC (Rzeczpospolita, Parkiet, Bloomberg).

 She managed complex business projects in the competitive TMTE (technology, media, telecommunications, entertainment), FMCG, industrial technology, publishing, automotive, banking and start-up markets. An expert in restructuring and change management, business transformation and digitization, developing and implementing business development strategies, M&A mergers and acquisitions, creating personal  & corporate brands, managing the increase of their value,  responsible leadership and building effective and lasting business partnerships & valuable networks.

Member of among others: Young Presidents Organization, Polish Olympic Committee (Commission for Science, Innovation and Environmental Protection), International Leaders Forum. Lecturer and co-author of postgraduate studies at Kozminski University; member of the Executive Advisory Board MBA. Certified Mentor of Europen Mentoring & Coaching Council.

ESG and women’s leadership expert.

See debates:

Beata Mońka
CEO of Art of Networking, Member of the Steering Committee and Audit Committee of Raiffeisen Bank International AG, Plenipotentiary of the Management Board for ESG Issues of the Employers of Poland.
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European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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