Carlos Magalhaes

Director Digital Transformation and Partnership, Microsoft
Carlos Magalhaes


Carlos has been with Microsoft for 16 years. Holding positions across the business from Microsoft Consulting, Partner Business, Engineering, Sales organization and recently over the last four years as Director of Digital Transformation and Partnerships. He has worked with customers in the Financial Services industry building business partnerships between the two organizations. The most recent being the two largest banks in Africa, Central Eastern Europe (Poland) and Singapore. Carlos has been responsible for the formulating and enabling these strategies between these customers and Microsoft. His experience across the Microsoft business has allowed him to bring the best of Microsoft business to these customers. The focus on the partnership is broader than the traditional partnerships with Microsoft and closer to a business partnership through incorporating multiple facets of the Microsoft business in the strategic partnership.

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Carlos Magalhaes
Wybierz wydarzenie
European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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