Eddie Keal

Industry Solutions Leader, Financial Services, IBM UK & Ireland
Eddie Keal


Eddie is a long-term specialist in Financial Services with over 30 years of experience in the IT industry. He has worked in many sectors, including retail banking, life assurance, corporate and investment banking, post-trade securities services, payment cards and credit reference. He also has a keen interest in the roots of financial services in the UK, and their relationship with the social history of the country. His experience with IBM has taken him around the world with significant amounts of time spent in South Africa, Central and Eastern Europe and the major European economies. He has a strong network of contacts, not least with the challenger banks and post-PSD2 service providers. Eddie has served on Pay.UK’s Participant Advisory Council since July 2018. He is also Co-Chair of the Financial Services Council at techUK.

Eddie Keal
Wybierz wydarzenie
European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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