Ewa Herbik – Piszczako

Director at Deloitte Polska | Strategy, Analytics and M&A
Ewa Herbik – Piszczako


Successfully introduced and championed Customer Experience and Stakeholder Insight practice at Bank Pekao (prev. Unicredit Group). Designed analytical, omni-channel listening tools and processes to identify key opportunities and challenges for Retail, Corporate, SME and Private Banking divisions. Directly supported members of the Management Board and key managers in translating voice of the customer into business and nonbusiness initiatives. Led cross-functional teams to stimulate the adoption of customer centric and employee driven culture into the organization. Designed customer journeys for most profitable products and their supporting processes.

Extensive experience in business development, marketing and strategy as a Segment Head leading the Affluent and Private Banking departments at Bank Pekao and Xelion Investment House Unicredit Group. Analytical and strategic skills demonstrated in the position of a senior Management Consultant at McKinsey&Co (Warsaw) and PwC (New York) in finance, telecom and consumer goods sectors.

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Ewa Herbik – Piszczako
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European Financial Congress10 - 12 June 2024


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