John Ferguson

Global lead for New Globalisation, Economist Impact
John Ferguson
Global lead for New Globalisation, Economist Impact


John is the head of Economist Impact’s New Globalisation practice. He is responsible for leading and developing the practice across different geographies and sectors, including both public and private organisations. As the global economy is being transformed by multiple forces including geopolitics, technological progress and climate change, the practice works with clients to navigate these structural shifts. A frequent public speaker, his delivery style helps to provide context to many global issues in an insightful and accessible way, supported by his 15 years in policy and economic analysis. Most recently, as Director of Macroeconomics, he was responsible for guiding The EIU’s global economic analysis across 200 countries. Prior to this, he was Director of Country Analysis and Global Forecasting. John holds a Master’s degree in International Economics from Sussex University where he specialised in macroeconomics and trade, and an Honours degree in Psychology from the Australian National University.

Areas of expertise:

  • Globalisation, trade and finance
  • Macroeconomics
  • Geopolitics and international relations
  • Foreign direct investment and supply chains

See debates:

John Ferguson
Global lead for New Globalisation, Economist Impact
Wybierz wydarzenie
European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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