Maciej Nawrocki

Chief Data Officer, Bank Pekao S.A.
Maciej Nawrocki
Bank Pekao S.A.


Probably the first Chief Data Officer among Polish financial institutions …

He has been working for Bank Pekao for 4 years, previously 8 years for the Credit Agricole Bank Poland. Responsible for data management and governance, including data quality management. Previously, he was in charge of the data warehouse area and was responsible for the coordination of BI solutions. He is an expert in the field of ICT, incl. numerical analytics of big data sets, optimization technologies, systems and solutions for mobile telecommunications, Smart City as well as business development and innovation management in the above-mentioned areas. He has experience gained in Europe, both in industry, R&D and consulting in the areas of IT, telecommunications & banking, working for regulatory institutions, telecoms and independent technology companies. He is an expert of the European Commission and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in the field of research and development projects in the areas of ICT, including analytics and Big / Smart Data. He is also the author of over 40 publications, including a book on mobile network optimization published by John Wiley & Sons and China Machine Press.

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Maciej Nawrocki
Bank Pekao S.A.

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