Monika Jezierska

CESA Quality and Risk Management Deputy Leader EY
Monika Jezierska
EY Polska


Monika Jezierska is an Associate Partner responsible for risk and quality management at EY Consulting and Strategy and Transactions and acts in her capacity as Quality and Risk Management Deputy Leader in the CESA region (Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe & Central Asia). She has over 16 years of experience in the area of risk management, specializing in risk management strategies, implementation of risk management systems, risk modelling, compliance management and control. She consolidates her practical experience in the implementation of risk assessment models and transformation of risk areas as a lecturer at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics. She was awarded her PhD in economics for her dissertation on risk models. A graduate of the prestigious Advanced Management Program conducted by the IESE Business School at the University of Navarra and many international courses (INSEAD, APP, Harvard Business Review). An MA graduate of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics with finance and banking and quantitative methods in economics as her majors (a graduate with distinction). She holds FCCA and PMP professional titles. A lecturer and speaker at Polish and international conferences and an author of many comments in the trade press in the area of risk management.
A Board Member of the Women Leadership in Business Foundation where she focuses on promoting diversity and partnership in business.

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Monika Jezierska
EY Polska
Wybierz wydarzenie
European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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