Sylwia Bilska

General Manager Edenred Polska
Sylwia Bilska
Edenred Polska


Dynamic business leader with a proven track record in technology, eCommerce and Payments.

For over 15 years, she has been commercializing digital and digitizing businesses
in developed and developing markets.

Currently she is the General Manager and Member of the Management Board of Edenred,
a global leader in technological solutions for employee motivation and involvement, as well as fostering business loyalty and increasing sales on the B2B2C market.

She gained professional experience in marketing, sales and strategy departments, working at the C-level for companies including Tesco Central Europe, PayU Poland and Central Europe, Avon, Philip Morris, and Oriflame.

Member of supervisory boards of technology and FinTech companies, and of the management board of the Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications. She has been a mentor for women and start-ups for nearly a decade now.

In 2016 she was awarded the Digital Champion Award by the Forum of Digital Business Leaders, and a year later she received the title of Charismatic Leader from the WhyStory magazine. Distinguished with the title of Strong Woman in IT in 2021 and  “Top 25 Women Entrepreneurs” according to the Financial Newspaper in 2022.

Lawyer by education, she also graduated from the European Executive MBA.

See debates:

Sylwia Bilska
Edenred Polska
Wybierz wydarzenie
European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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