Online EFC – June 15th – 17th

About the Online EFC


  • The Online EFC is the online Congress which will be transmitted live, between the 15th and the 17th of June 2020, focused mainly on:
  • The key issues concerned with the role of financial institutions, new technologies and innovations in the process of rebuilding the economy,
  • The financial responsibility during the process of exiting the crisis,
  • Financial restructuring of firms and banks.

The vast majority of the debates will be transmitted live. The Online EFC is a free and open event!
Registration for the Online EFC will start soon.

The Online European Financial Congress is composed of:

The Online EFC Forum

A series of online debates prepared in cooperation with the EFC partners, which focus on the key issues connected with the pandemic and proposals of responsible measures that can be taken during the crisis and during the process of rebuilding the economy.

The debates will be run in a form of:
a. discussions between 3 to 6 participants, conducted by the representatives of our Partners, or by the invited moderators;
b. webinars.
The key elements of the Online EFC Forum are the debates organized by the Club of Responsible Finance, affiliated with the EFC. The debates will be prepared by the Partners of the EFC, in cooperation with the Institute of Responsible Finance.


The European Financial Congress, together with the Club of Responsible Finance and the Institute of Responsible Finance have planned the following webinars, for the next 3 months:

  • How to reduce the risk of the Swiss franc mortgages for the financial sector and for the customers?
  • How to decrease the risk of the interest rate, consequent of changing the previous reference rates?
  • European taxonomy of economic activities – what does it change, what does it mean for the economies, what are the next steps?
  • The usage of green bonds in financing the sustainable development.
  • The European Green Deal in the era of exiting the crisis –risks, possibilities and threats.

Group EFC expertise

The expert potential of the EFC is used for preparing independent and constructive remarks about the economic policies of the government, the decisions of the NBP, KNF and BFG. The comments issued by the EFC concern mostly the proposed methods and means of reducing the scale of the economic crisis, and the ways of financial restructuring of the firms and banks.

As a part of “A Quarter with the EFC” („Kwadrans z EKF) and online debates and webinars, we present the results of studies concerned with the issue of rebuilding the economy after the crisis. The results of those studies are commented and anonymously voted on by the experts and specialists from a given branch. All of the anonymous opinions of the experts will be published on the website of the European Financial Congress. What is more, national and international consultations on the topics of key elements of financial markets in the EU and other topics recommended by the EFC Partners are conducted. The prepared expertise of the EFC experts will be modified, using the Delphi method.


Wybierz wydarzenie
European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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