Dear participants,

We kindly inform you that simultaneous translation will be available only during the plenary debates on the first day of the European Financial Congress.

9:30 - 11:00
The opening debate of the Academy of the European Financial Congress entitled “What would we change in Poland and Europe?”
Presentation of the report of the Civic Development Forum entitled "Poland: Stagnation or Development? Work, rule of law, investments, innovations":
  • Agata Stremecka

    President of the Management Board, Forum for Civic Development

  • Sławomir Dudek

    Founder, President and Chief Economist of the Institute of Public Finance

Host of the debate:
  • Janusz Lewandowski

    MEP, EU Commissioner for Financial Programming and Budget 2010-2014

Invited panelists:
  • Karol Bałdyga

    University of Economics in Poznań, author of the essay "Hydrogen, wind and solar energy as the driving force of Poland on the way to return to the growth path after COVID-19"

  • Patrycja Fyda

    Gdańsk University of Technology, author of the essay "Pandemic and digitization - the past and future of entrepreneurs"

  • Kamila Kiełczewska

    University of Warmia and Masuria in Olsztyn, author of the essay "Libertarian paternalism - why do we need architects of the decision?"

  • Natan Marczak

    New York University, author of the essay "Nihil novi sub solem europaeum - or how the Polish economy is maintained in the conflict over the rule of law with the European Union"

  • Igor Tomecki

    University of Warsaw, "The impact of the problems related to the rule of law on Poland's long-term economic growth - a wise Pole after the damage?"

A debate is divided in two parts|12:40 - 13:50

13:00 - 13:50
Inflation as threat to economic development
  • Jan Krzysztof Bielecki

    Chairman of the European Financial Congress Program Board

Invited panelists:
  • Leszek Balcerowicz

    Founder and chairman of the board of the Civic Development Forum think tank, President of the National Bank of Poland in 2001-2007

  • Marek Belka

    MEP, Prime Minister of Poland 2004-2005, President of the National Bank of Poland 2010-2016

  • Jerzy Hausner

    Chairman of the Open Eyes Economy Summit Program Council, GAP Foundation, Member of the Monetary Policy Council in 2010-2016

The debate will be translated into English

14:50 - 15:30
How to fund climate policy in cities?
Host of the debate:
  • Local Trends
  • Maciej H. Grabowski

    President of the Management Board, Centrum Myśli Strategicznych

  • Teresa Czerwińska

    Vice-President, European Investment Bank

  • Jerzy Kwieciński

    Vice President of the Management Board of Bank Pekao S.A. supervising the Corporate Banking, Markets and Investment Banking Division in years 2021-2024

  • Józef Wancer

    Honorary Chairman of the Supervisory Board of BNP Paribas Bank Polska

  • Hanna Zdanowska

    Mayor of the City of Łódź

The debate will be translated into English

Dinner at the Pick&Roll in Sopot|20:00

Wybierz wydarzenie
European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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