Traditionally, for the fourth year in a row, the European Financial Congress is the venue for the launch of the publication Green Finance in Poland. The positive reception in previous years has led the duo of the Institute for Responsible Finance and UNGC Poland, additionally this year in partnership with the Polish Economic Institute, to continue the mission of monitoring and describing the state of green finance development in Poland. This year’s publication, as in previous years, includes articles discussing sustainable, or green, finance from different perspectives, but put in the Polish context. This time the authors devoted more space to sustainability-linked bonds, green financing of nuclear power generation projects, dynamic regulatory changes, the issue of combating greenwashing, or analysis of the impact of climate targets and risks on the conduct of monetary policy and central bank activities. The voice of the Polish financial sector is strongly represented. In addition, the Polish Platform for Sustainable Finance is presented. This is a Polish forum for action and discussion for capital market development in the field of sustainable finance.

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European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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