The panel will be preceded by a short keynote speaker from the management of the Financial Supervisory Authority on early detection and response to hybrid activities in the Polish and European financial markets in the context of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The discussion will be moderated by Microsoft’s Director of Security Strategy. The panelists, representing both government institutions and private banks, will be asked to assess the feasibility of a scenario in which hostile state-sponsored influence operations using the latest AI/ML technology lead to a disruption of the stability of the Polish capital market (banking – e.g., disruption of cash logistics, collapse of a medium-sized bank, or stock market – e.g., investor panic and crash on the WSE).

The aim of the panel will be a rational assessment of the risks arising from the democratization of digital technologies and an attempt to define risk mitigation measures.

Wybierz wydarzenie
European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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