The starting point for the discussion will be the results of a poll, on the title topic of the panel, which the Citi Handlowy Foundation will conduct among EKF participants during the first two days of the Congress preceding the debate. Congress participants will receive five candidates selected by the Foundation, in the category of “success of financial education in Poland” and analogous five candidates in the category of “failures when it comes to financial education” of Polish women and men.

Participants in the poll will be able to choose -vote for one of the proposals in each category. During the voting, they will also be able to present one of their nominations in each category. The results of the poll will be announced at the beginning of the title session on the failures and successes of financial education during the Session.

As the discussion will be held in the intimate Vasco da Gama Hall and the topic has been generating lively discussion for many years, the organizers are counting on active interaction with the EKF audience, which will be possible live via the Slido app.

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European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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