Sectoral strategic alliances allow the launch of technology-based services in a new model of accessibility, which allows for benefits impossible to achieve in any other formula. In a panel discussion featuring leading sector representatives and domain experts, we will present a model of sectoral data exchange using the example of the Sectoral AML Service Center established by KIR and ZBP in cooperation with the largest Polish banks. We will analyze factors critical to the success of this venture, including issues of the legal environment, the involvement and roles of all participating parties, as well as the selection of the scope of services provided. Participants in the debate will discuss the benefits of SCU_AML in the context of the entire banking sector, from the perspective of the individual bank, as well as the bank’s customer. We will consider the importance and function of data from banks: do they affect the efficiency of AML processes, and how? Will it be a real “game changer” or just another source of alerts? We will also look at how the concept of sectoral data exchange in the area of broad security is implemented in other countries.

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European Financial Congress10 - 12 June 2024


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