We, the Poles, sometimes tend to make suboptimal financial decisions. A better understanding of the world of finance and our attitude towards money would give us more life satisfaction but also improve our financial security. Why don’t we use the existing opportunities? What would make it easier for us to take informed financial decisions?

The goal of the discussion is to identify methods and tools for the communication of financial topics to attract a wider audience, understand the complexities, build confidence in financial institutions and inspire clients to better manage their finances. It seems that in the light of the cultural and economic conditions specific to Poland, we need to deepen our reflection on the development of customer relationships to make them lasting and mutually rewarding.

Key topics:

  • cultural and psychological determinants of attitudes towards money and money-making
  • economic awareness, trust and financial morals of the Poles as an essential context of relationships between financial institutions and their clients
  • responsibility of institutions and clients for the quality of their mutual relationships
  • the role of the media and influencers in the perception of the financial market
  • non-manipulative techniques of inspiring interest in finance
  • language as a tool for explaining and building trust
  • positive experience of financial services and products as a driver of change of attitudes in personal finance management
  • role of the financial sector in the financial education of the society
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European Financial Congress10 - 12 June 2024


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