Technological developments and regulatory changes with a key impact on ICT (Information and Communication Technologies), are among the main factors shaping the realities of bank operations today and going forward. However, the compilation of the most relevant phenomena and trends – alongside topics related to blockchain, artificial intelligence, personalisation of the banking offer or process automation – would not be complete without taking into account the challenges related to the consequences of social changes caused by the pandemic.

The strategy and positioning of the banking sector is inextricably linked to IT technology. The analysis of the issues strongly impacting IT in the banking sector over the next few years (and taking global trends and the long-term consequences of COVID-19 into account), will result in formulating a set of recommendations – for both the banking sector and public administration – on the type and scope of joint actions that should be undertaken by sectors or from a necessary government support perspective.

The discussion, a map of challenges and a set of recommendations developed after the debate, will pertain to the 2021-2024 period.

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European Financial Congress10 - 12 June 2024


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