The capital market is the best place where modern and innovative enterprises can not only raise capital for their development, but also increase their credibility, brand recognition and influence the promotion of their products or services. A modern and reliable infrastructure, providing services tailored to the needs of the domestic market, is also necessary for their smooth operation in the capital market. The KDPW Group provides just such solutions, responding to international standards and regulations, while tailored to the needs of the domestic market. Thus, we have in Poland an adequate and efficient market infrastructure, regulations in accordance with international standards, small, medium and large, and successful companies on the local and international market.


Despite much turbulence, the Polish economy is doing quite well; investment companies are active. And yet in recent years the Polish capital market has nevertheless stagnated. It is worth considering why and discussing how to get out of this situation.

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European Financial Congress10 - 12 June 2024


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