Adrian Sejdak

Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Raiffeisen Bank International AG
Adrian Sejdak
Raiffeisen Bank International AG


Experienced manager with over 20 years of international experience in mortgage banking, financial and risk management. Started his career at ING Silesian Mortgage Bank, then at General Electric Group (later Bank BPH), where participated in global financial management program. Participated in the merger process of GE Money and Bank BPH and oversaw the transformation processes at Polbank and Raiffeisen Bank Polska. Co-ordinated the introduction of a new operating model in the area of retail loans at Raiffeisen Polbank. He was also responsible for the division of Raiffeisen Polbank, which led to the establishment of a foreign branch of the bank now operating as Raiffeisen Bank International AG (Joint Stock Company) Branch in Poland, where, as Deputy General Manager, oversees the Risk Management and Finance area.

 Graduated from the Warsaw School of Economics. Holds an Executive MBA from the Business School of the Warsaw University of Technology (a program conducted jointly with London Business School, HEC Paris, NHH Bergen) and completed Postgraduate Studies in Real Estate Valuation at the Warsaw University of Technology. Graduate of an intensive program in the area of business psychology – Jacek Santorski’s Academy of Leadership Psychology at the Warsaw University of Technology Business School.

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Adrian Sejdak
Raiffeisen Bank International AG
Wybierz wydarzenie
European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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