Beata Stelmach

Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board, Association of Stock Exchange Issuers
Beata Stelmach
Association of Stock Exchange Issuers


During the transformation period, working at the Polish SEC, she was involved in building the capital market in Poland. She used her experience as a consultant to the World Bank to create stock exchange regulations in Russia and in Ukraine.

In the years 2011-2013 she was Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, responsible for economic diplomacy and promotion of Poland.

Back in business, she headed GE in Poland and Baltic States, followed by the position of the President of PZL Świdnik – a helicopter manufacturer, part of Leonardo

Currently acts as an independent supervisory board member at Bank Millennium SA, KRUK SA and Stalexport Autostrady SA as well as chairperson of Association of Listed Companies (in 2006-2011 President). In the past she was a member of supervisory boards of among others Bank BPH or HSBC Bank Polska.

She studied Finance and Statistics at Warsaw School of Economics. She holds MBA from INSEAD as well as MBA from Calgary University. A graduate of various expert programs from the New York Institute of Finance and Said Business School, University of Oxford.

Beata has been a big promoter of good corporate governance, climate protection, diversity in the workplace; supports initiatives aimed at supporting and helping women in the development of their professional careers.

She was awarded the Knight’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta.

Beata Stelmach
Association of Stock Exchange Issuers

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