Szymon Midera

Vice-President of the Bank's Management Board, managing the work of the Bank's Management Board, PKO Bank Polski S.A.
Szymon Midera
PKO Bank Polski S.A.


An experienced executive with strong skills acquired during his service in managerial positions at banks and other financial institutions. A successful manager in State-owned and private companies, with a proven track record of success. Since 2016, he has been the founder, co-owner and CEO of Shumee SA (commerce platform) – one of the leaders in the cross-border e-commerce market. Member of supervisory boards with lengthy experience in the area of professional corporate governance standards. An expert in banking, e-commerce, incubation and acceleration of start-ups. A panellist and author of numerous publications on the e-commerce market and marketplace platforms. A long-distance runner, music aficionado and happy father of four daughters.

He is a graduate of International Economic and Political Relations at the University of Lodz and the Advanced Management Programme at INSEAD in Fontainebleau. He also completed the Executive MBA Programme at the Faculty of Management of University of Łódź, organised in partnership with Towson University and Robert H. Smith School of Business.

For eight years, until June 2016, he served as President and Vice-President of the Management Board of Bank Pocztowy. During that time, the Bank acquired around one million clients and underwent a transformation from a clearing institution to a large-scale retail bank, launching, among other things, a state-of-the-art online banking service and a network of around 300 branches.

Previously, for seven years, he was associated with mBank, where he managed, among other things, the areas of marketing, online sales and business development.

He serves as Chairman of the Entrepreneurship Council at the University of Lodz at a voluntary basis.

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Szymon Midera
PKO Bank Polski S.A.

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