Katarzyna Dorsey

Co-Founder and CEO of Yosh.AI
Katarzyna Dorsey


Kasia Dorsey, who was nominated as Forbes “100 European Female Founders”, after spending years in marketing within The Coca-Cola Co., has founded Yosh.AI with a mission to re-invent communication between companies and their clients through conversational AI. The products offered to enterprises include AI, virtual assistants, using voice and text, visual search and a recommendation engine. Yosh.AI currently works successfully with many international enterprises, within retail, banking and insurance, helping them implement automation into their communication streams through the use of speech recognition and speech synthesis as well as NLP. Yosh.AI is a global Google Cloud Partner and the winner of numerous international technology competitions, recent alumni of EMEA Google Acceleration program. Forbes named Yosh.AI as a company that is changing the future of retail. Kasia is passionate about deep-tech and adding value to the business through the further implementation of AI. She is an active mentor at Google and is the global Ambassador of the Blackbox Silicon Valley Acceleration program. She supports the growth of innovative solutions and passionate people.

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Katarzyna Dorsey
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European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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