Łukasz Sikora

Partner, EY-Parthenon Poland, Leader of Strategic and Transaction Advisory in the Financial Sector
Łukasz Sikora
EY Poland


EY-Parthenon Poland, Strategy and Transactions, Leader of Strategic and Transaction Advisory in the Financial Sector, Partner.
Experienced advisor. Focused on the financial services sector. Fascinated by innovation and new technologies. Committed to building #betterworkingworld.
Leader of the strategic and transactional advisory team for clients in the financial services sector, as well as the data analytics team supporting these processes. Has nearly 20 years of experience advising clients on their growth, transformation, organic growth and mergers and acquisitions. He is an expert in finance, valuations, as well as restructuring processes. Prior to joining EY, he worked at two banks and an insurance brokerage firm. Łukasz is a graduate of the Poznań University of Economics, currently an MBA student and is CFA and FCCA certified.

Łukasz Sikora
EY Poland

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