Maike Hornung

Europe Crypto & Global CBDC Strategy Lead, Visa
Maike Hornung


Responsible for driving the commercialization and go-to-markets efforts for CBDC globally, including developing partnerships with banks, fintechs, crypto exchange platforms, regulators, and blockchain infrastructure companies. Supports Visa’s CBDC pilot projects undertaken by Visa in collaboration with banks in Europe and other regions.

Earlier Maike Hornung worked for the EU Government Engagement team, where she was responsible for establishing and managing Visa´s relations with governments, central banks, and supervisory authorities in Central Europe. During this time, Maike engaged on major EU and national policy initiatives, such as the Interchange Fee Regulation, Strong Customer Authentication, Market in Crypto Asset Regulation, Illicit Online Gambling and Electric Vehicle Charging Regulation. Prior to Visa, she worked for the Bertelsmann Foundation in the area of social impact investing.

Maike received her master’s degree in Public Services Policy and Management from King´s College London and holds a bachelor in European Studies from Maastricht University. Maike lives in Berlin and enjoys travelling the world.

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Maike Hornung
Wybierz wydarzenie
European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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