Małgorzata Bobrowska

President of the Polish Equity Investors Association, Managing Partner of Resource Partners
Małgorzata Bobrowska
Polish Association of Capital Investors, Resource Partners


Malgorzata Bobrowska is co-founder of Resource Partners and Managing Partner.

She joined The Carlyle Group in 2008, handling transactions in the consumer goods and retail and manufacturing industries.

She was a project director in the International Expansion department at PZU S.A. She also worked as a consultant at McKinsey & Company in Chicago and Warsaw.

Since 2022, she has been President of the Board of Directors of the Polish Association of Capital Investors. She is also co-chair of the Polish Level20 committee. Malgorzata was honored as Character of the Year and Mentor of the Year in the Social Business Accelerator program in the 2021 PSIK Awards (2021 PSIK Awards) poll organized by the Polish Association of Capital Investors.

Margaret is the Partner in charge of ESG.

She holds an MBA from the Kellog School of Management, CEMS (Community of European Management School) and the Warsaw School of Economics.

Małgorzata Bobrowska
Polish Association of Capital Investors, Resource Partners

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