Marek Król

Partner, Head of Banking & Finance
Marek Król
Partner, Head of Banking & Finance


Marek is an expert in banking, finance and international economic relations. He has built his professional experience working with international law firms and financial institutions, including major Polish and foreign banks. He has represented both banks and borrowers in projects in the power, water and gas infrastructure, petroleum, road, telecommunications and commercial real estate industries. Marek has represented companies in the energy, chemical and oil & gas sectors in the modernisation of production and network infrastructure. He has also advised on investment and infrastructure projects, real estate transactions and PPP and M&A transactions, and worked with IT companies. He was involved in transactions in the following areas: shipping finance (financing the construction of commercial vessels for German, Cypriot and Scandinavian shipowners), aircraft financing and financing of the construction of the first, largest office buildings and hotels in Poland for international hotel chains. Marek participated in the development of new banking products for banks, such as cash pooling, bancasurance and assurefinance, and factoring, and also prepared the implementations of bank regulations covering all bank product-related activities. He provided legal services in connection with the establishment of the first Internet bank in Poland and advised foreign banks financing their clients’ transactions in the acquisition of industrial assets in Poland. Marek’s main areas of practice include project finance, real estate finance, leveraged finance, MBO, LBO, restructurings, corporate bond issues, corporate acquisition transactions, M&A, EBA, syndicated loans, structured finance, leasing, factoring.

See debates:

Marek Król
Partner, Head of Banking & Finance
Wybierz wydarzenie
European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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