Piotr Żabski

Vice-President of the Management Board, Santander Consumer Bank S.A.
Piotr Żabski
Santander Consumer Bank S.A.


Piotr Żabski is vice-president of Santander Consumer Bank. In November 2007, he became a member of Santander Consumer Bank’s Executive Board responsible for retail credit development and marketing. From May 2008 to May 2013. President of the Management Board of Santander Consumer Bank. Currently, he is also Chairman of the Supervisory Board at Stellatnis Financial Services Polska. During his career, he was responsible, among other things, for the development of the business of mortgages, car loans, instalment loans, cash loans and credit cards. He managed the bank’s network of regions and distribution channels. His current areas of responsibility include: Technology and IT Development Centre, Open Banking Development Centre, Agile Competence and Project Development Centre, Data Processing Department, Security Department, Strategy and Innovation Department, Human Resources Department.

Piotr Żabski
Santander Consumer Bank S.A.

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