We’ve seen a data revolution in recent years – companies in the financial sector are striving to become data-driven organiation. The goal is to make informed, forward-looking decisions. This can be seen in automating processes, offering new products, personalizing services or modern methods of price and customer relationship management. The potential in data collected within companies as well as external data is enormous and still underutilized. Companies face numerous barriers to growth, such as poor data quality, outdated technologies or lack of tools and knowledge to apply advanced analytics. Companies that overcome these difficulties will gain a real competitive advantage.


Key issues/themes:


  • Are today’s financial institutions data driven? Are the gains from data liberation and commercialization already apparent?
  • What barriers do financial institutions face in becoming a data driven organization? Are they mainly technological or are there other problems, such as human, regulatory or purely business issues?
  • How is AI/ ML changing the future of the financial sector? Is the revolution already happening or is it still ahead of us?
  • Are we seeing the end of traditional data warehouses and a shift to data mesh solutions?
  • To effectively manage the customer relationship, we need to know our audience well. Why is it still a challenge to implement customer 360/gold record?
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European Financial Congress10 - 12 June 2024


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