Only about 10% – 30% of transformations (technological, organizational) are carried out successfully. Research by EY and the University of Oxford’s Saïd Business School hints at why this is the case. It turns out that one of the most critical elements of change is taking care of and their emotions during the transformation process. We call this approach Humans@Center. Key findings from the EY and University of Oxford study:

  • elements that determine the success / failure of transformation projects,
  • Emotion management elements that determine success,
  • the attitude of managers in change that supports transformation.

The Humans@Center approach recommended by EY coincides with the ESG strategy currently implemented by many organizations, particularly banks, in which, in addition to environmental and corporate governance factors, the social perspective of the so-called “S” ., including employees, is also important. For a modern organization, such elements of HR policy as ensuring diversity and inclusiveness and gender equality in HR processes, as well as attention to employee well-being, is a matter of course, without which success cannot be built in the long term.

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European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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