On the one hand, more and more obligations are being imposed on Polish local governments, and on the other, they are being deprived of their own income. Hence the question arises about financing their development. Due to the decline in own income, higher expenditures related to, among other things, inflation and insufficient general subvention (education financing) in the system of organizing the finances of TSUs, immediate emergency measures as well as systemic changes are necessary. Lack of funds from the NSP and limited budgets are a direct result of smaller investments and slowed development. Local governments in Ukraine are also facing difficulties, primarily due to the ongoing hostilities and many unknowns.

To achieve their goals, local governments need stable and adequate funding. In view of the war in Ukraine, a common economic policy for Poland, Ukraine and Europe as a whole is also extremely important. Key issues are entrepreneurship in local communities, innovation of municipalities in the area of economy and social policy. In the aspect of Ukraine’s accession to the European Union, an extremely important issue will also be the EU funds, intended for both Ukraine and the existing members of the community.

The aim of the debate will be to develop constructive and practical conclusions on the financing of local governments, which can be used to develop effective strategies for local development and strengthen local autonomy. Participants in the debate will consider what government mechanisms and what forms of external financing of local government investments should be introduced to increase local governments’ access to financial resources and create favorable conditions for their development.

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European Financial Congress10 - 12 June 2024


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