Banks are facing new challenges from customers, competitors and the internal environment to become more customer-centric and better integrated with the broader ecosystem as well as to constantly optimize operations in order to be better, faster, and cheaper.

As a result, banks are committing more and more time and resources to modernize or improve their technology, thereby increasing the demand for digital engineers who can implement the above changes. However, the availability of experienced experts is limited on both the Polish and global markets. As a result, companies are looking for other solutions to address the problem.

The answer can be found in broadly comprehended automation, or hyper-automation, as well as low-code & no-code systems. They are designed to “democratize” the technology and open up opportunities for non-technical people to configure systems themselves.

Of course, there may be some discrepancies between theory and practice. That is why EY Poland experts and their guests invite you to discuss low-code & no-code systems. They will attempt to verify whether this is just another marketing buzzword or a viable idea to transform banks without engaging digital engineers.

The following issues will be addressed during the panel and the debate:
1. Macro and micro technology trends
2. Debunking the jargon, or what’s really hidden in low-code & no-code applications
3. Sales gimmick vs reality – what are the real benefits of low-code & no-code solutions
4. “Democratization” of technology vs. risks associated with decentralization of IT functions – what issues to look out for when choosing low-code & no-code solutions
5. What is the Polish, European and global market approach to investments in these systems?
6. Low-code & no-code from the perspective of the CEO, COO, CFO, CTO and CIO

Wybierz wydarzenie
European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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